How To Choose The Right Video Production Company

Let me ask you a question: if you needed a new suit, would you be better off paying less for a suit that was 4 sizes too small?

It was a lot cheaper, after all. But you can’t button the pants, or close the coat.

But that’s exactly what people do when they go shopping for services with price as a starting point.  It’s the exact opposite of what you should do.

Spending too little for a video that is “almost works” is the same thing as wasting money.  Don’t do it.

The truth is, you should make sure it’s a fit before you look at price.  Sometimes it’s cheaper than you think, sometimes it’s more.

Has The Provider Had Success In Your Industry?

This is your business.  You need someone who  has had success in your field, selling and delivering results.  Working with a company that doesn’t have an stated, public specialty risks working with someone that’ s learning on the job, on your dime.

Ask them: Exactly what business do they turn away?  What type of work have they done that’s worked in your industry?

When we realized who we were and what we were good at, we started specializing and turning away business.  We are a specialty firm that does complex enterprise products (software and services), books and speaker reels.  These things we have great experience in and they keep us really busy.  There’s not a lot of need to do other things.

Do They Work in Multiple Styles?

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

-Upton Sinclair

It’s critical to make sure that your provider can work in a variety of styles.  This is so that they can give you great advice.  Pick from a wide menu, and not just “one type of video.”

For example, whiteboard video is on its way out (especially in b2b), but there are firms out there that ONLY do whiteboard video. That’s what they have to sell, so they’ll sell it to you.  They aren’t lying, that’s all they know.

Not everything is a nail.

Our basic design philosophy is to inherit the best parts of the client’s existing brand and then to enhance it all for motion graphics.

On the first call, do they demonstrate a crystal clear understanding of your product?

When they can’t grasp it, they can’t promote it.

So, they should be able to “sell you to you” from the very first call, especially if your information is listed publicly and they can “do their homework.”

The most interested most vendors will ever be in your product is *before* you work with them. Anyone that can’t do their homework won’t do their legwork.

If they haven’t done their homework – they won’t do the legwork required to build metaphors and create art that you will be proud of.

Do You Love Their Work?

If you’re not a little jealous about some of the work that they’ve done, you should probably skip working with them for now.

You have to see work that you’d be proud of on your end, and love it.

If you don’t, then no sense engaging.

You can find great videos at every price point.

What do they charge?

Now is when investment matters.

After you can tell if the suit is in your size, if you like it, if it’s worked before, then you get to price. That way you can compare apples to apples.

Figure out where the best value is and make a great decision based on what you think you should do.

When you have narrowed down a list of qualified providers, that meet the standard:

  • Success in your vertical
  • Multiple Styles
  • Understand your product from day 1
  • You Love Their Work

Then you have found someone. That’s when you compare price, because you might find that it’s only a little more to work with the best.

Why We Wrote This Article

We’re not always the best provider for a client.

In fact, we’d rather help them find their right fit up front.

Sometimes we’re the best provider.  It’s always frustrating to lose to someone else.  Sometimes we’re not the best provider.  And in those cases it’s never fun to work on something when you’re not the world’s best fit.

Here’s a real quick guide to comparing this on your own.

Download our Production Company Comparison Guide.  (Word Doc)